Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Like something out of Yes Minister!

Here Down Under we are in one of (if not the) worst drought on record. There are water restrictions in place in nearly every state and even people employed to moniter the suburbs. You are also encouraged to alert the authorities about neighbours breaking the laws regarding the use of water. The laws include only being allowed to water your garden for three hours and only after 8pm on a certain day of the week.

The classic story today from The Advertiser is about the Minister for Water, Michael Wright breaching his own laws. (The Aussies will apreciate this).
"It's not clear how this occurred but the sprinkler was turned off immediately it was realised," Mr Wright, who was interstate for work yesterday, said in a statement.

It is clear how it occured. You forgot to turn off the tap!


Anonymous said...

That's funny!

Aaron, would you mind emailing me. (I have lost your email address if I had it before.) I want to discuss something off-blog. (rosary@freeuk.com)

Miss Monification said...

Lol! Sounds like the "scandal" we had a couple of weeks ago when it was found that the Victorian State Government were found to be the worst water wasters in the state! (hmmm nice alliteration there don't you think?)