Saturday, June 02, 2007

2028CONGRESS -- 6-8th July 2007

visit for more details... registrations have just opened... available to students & young adults... official program out within days.


Unknown said...

Hi Aaron, It's Matt Tan from Brisbane here. Program looks good, but do you have exact times for registration and when the conference actually ends? I only ask because I'm booking flights.

Cheers. Matt

aaron said...

Be there before 2pm on the Friday if you can for Mass but the talks begin at 5pm...

Finishes at about 130pm on the Sunday (with Mass)

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Aaron. It certainly looks to be a wonderful event.

aaron said...

You should come...

Anonymous said...

I should come - in fact, I would very much like to come. I hear that there is going to be a Classical Liturgy on the Friday, which is certainly an impetus. It is really a question of prudent spending of very limited funds!

Unknown said...

Nice post keep updating like this,

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