Thursday, August 10, 2006

St. Laurence

When arrested and bidden by the prefect of Rome to give up his the Church’s treasure, Laurence showed him a crowd of beggars, saying that their priceless gift of faith made them the true treasure of the Church, because they changed the alms bestowed on them into everlasting riches. He was slowly roasted to death on a grid-iron on August 10th, 258. He must have had a great sense of humour saying to his executioner: “Turn me over now, that side is done.”

Collect: Grant us, we pray Thee, almighty God, to quench the flames of our vices; even as Thou gavest blessed Laurence grace to overcome his fiery torments.

Alleluia: Alleluia Alleluia. The Levite Laurence wrought a good work, who by the sign of the cross gave sight to the blind. Alleluia.

Communion: John 12. 26. If any man minister to Me, let him follow Me: and where I am, there also shall My minister be.

Sancte Laurénti. Ora Pro Nobis.

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